Social Media automation is your friend!

utilizing automation for social media marketing - learn how to diy social media for business with ilona f toth

Are you tired of having to log onto Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, or all three, and having to come up with captions and images and post every. single. day? And then having to spend time working on your engagement?

I have a little secret and it’s only one word: automation.

Social media automation is an essential tool for business owners. Especially if you’re running things by yourself.

Automation does all of the posting work for you so you can focus on what’s really important: Your business.

“That’s cool. But how do I automate my social media?”

There a ton of different schedulers to choose from so really it depends on what you need. If you’re first starting out and don’t want to pay for anything yet, I recommend Later. It’s what I used for several years before upgrading to Hootsuite.

Services like the above are great if you want all of your social information in one spot. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn (if you’re using Hootsuite.) Twitter (on desktop) and Facebook have their own native schedulers you can utilize. This is good if you want to focus on one individual platform before moving on to a mass scheduler.

With all that being said, automation is not so you can set and forget your social media. You should still open the apps every day (let’s say every workday to maintain some work/home balance) for engagement.

Let me know if you have any questions about automation! It’s just one of the many services I offer as a social media consultant!


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