Why engagement is so important for Social Media Marketing

why engagement is so important for social media marketing - learn how to diy social media marketing with ilona f toth

If you’ve been on social media for any amount of time then you’ve heard about engagement.

Every time there is an adjustment to the algorithm I see a flood of small businesses complain about their engagement tanking. As a social media manager, I know first-hand how frustrating that can be.

Engagement can be a tough egg to crack because even though you create interesting content, post eye-catching images, sometimes it all falls flat.

So what can you do? Well, you have to be engaging as well. You can’t just post something and hope for the best. You have to engage with other people and I don’t mean just scrolling down your following feed and liking the posts that you see.

Here are three tips you can use to help boost your engagement:

  1. Add a call to action to your captions. Asking questions, telling people to “drop a comment,” or tag a friend are all good ways to encourage people to engage with your posts.

  2. Reply to comments. This is important to do especially on your own posts. Not only are you creating conversation but you are showing people you take the time out to interact with them. They are more likely to engage with your content again and again because they feel as though you are a genuine person and not just a business.

  3. Comment on other accounts. Using Gary Vaynerchuk’s $1.80 strategy, search for relevant hashtags and comment on some of the top posts under that hashtag. Make sure your comment deals with that person’s caption and is more than just a generic “great post!” or a few emojis. Reply to some of the other comments or answer their questions if it’s relevant to your expertise. This helps raise brand awareness to people who otherwise might not have found your account.

What other tips have you tried to increase engagement? Let me know in the comments below! (hello call to action!)


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