How to create boundaries between professional and personal time.

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As someone who has run several home businesses, I know how hard it can be to balance time for work and time for leisure.

When you’re trying to balance running social media, running your business, and running everything else in your life, it can be hard to find time for everything.

You want to know what I do to help me keep boundaries between professional time and personal time?

Schedule blocking.

Schedule blocking helps me plan out my day and allows me flexibility in case I’m having a low-functioning/difficult mental day. Instead of setting an alarm in the morning and forcing myself to get out of bed immediately, I set the alarm to wake up and then give myself a block of time to adjust to being awake.

The same goes for doing house chores, homework, writing, reading, and leisure time. To help keep myself focused on the task at hand I usually set timers in 30-minute increments. Timers help keep me moving through my to-do list while still setting boundaries.

It also helps to do one type of task all together in one (or a couple consecutive) block. When I’m working on social media captions, I like to write out a week’s worth at a time, then in another block, I’ll do all the graphics, then I’ll do all the scheduling in a third block. Grouping similar tasks together helps me use my time more efficiently which is important when trying to balance everything life throws at you.

What systems and tricks do you use when it comes to balancing work & personal time? Drop a comment below!


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