How to start marketing on social media.

how to start social media marketing - ilona f toth social media manager

Marketing on social media can seem overwhelming if you’ve only ever used it for personal reasons. Which platform is best? Should I have a different account for all my different niches? What hashtags should I use?

Even googling your questions can be overwhelming with the vast amount of information available. And how will you know if the information is trustworthy?

Well, you won’t actually know until you start!

I can’t tell you how many times I put off starting something because I wanted to make sure I researched everything thoroughly and learned everything I possibly could but that’s just my anxiety coming through in the form of perfectionism and procrastination.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about running several accounts on top of running your business, one way to combat that is to start small. Pick one platform, most likely one of the Big Three (Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter) and work your way up from there.

And don’t forget: success doesn’t happen overnight. Every big account started with zero followers and worked to get where they are now!

Have questions or need help picking a platform? Email me to book a consultation!


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