Books Read in May 2023

Yea, yea, yea. I know. It’s mid-June already and I’m just now getting my May wrap-up out. At least it’s better than when I had to put two months together in one post, right?

Anyway, I read nine books last month with nothing dropping below three stars. There were a couple I almost DNFed but they ended up redeeming themselves and went on to be enjoyable reads.

large block letters at the top that read "books read in may" followed by a rectangle image of flowers on an open book laying on grass. to the right of the rectangle is a text box that reads "9 books. 2,713 pages. 10.72 hours. t

Star (⭐️) ratings are out of five and have no strict criteria. I’m a big mood reader so while a book might not have the strongest writing/plot/etc, I might still give it a strong rating because I had fun reading it. Here is the general way I decide on a rating:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Absolutely loved. Vibes were immaculate. Would definitely read again.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Thoroughly enjoyed. Vibes were still amazing. Might read again.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Good but not necessarily my cup of tea.
⭐️⭐️ - Left a lot to be desired.
⭐️ - Given out very, very rarely. Typically reserved for books with offensive content

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This is the Way the World Ends by Jen Wilde (⭐️⭐️⭐️½)

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  • I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

  • If you enjoy Sapphic apocalyptic thrillers then I would definitely recommend you check this one out. Despite the overall plot being a bit predictable, it’s an action-packed, wild ride with plenty of diversity and inclusivity.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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  • This is fantasy writing at its finest. I was hooked from the very beginning. The world building and magic system is so interesting and complex. The characters feel like full-fledged people. I cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of the series.

The Wind Knows My Name by Isabel Allende; translated by Frances Riddle (⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½)

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  • I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

  • Dual-timeline story full of tragedy and hope about the lives of immigrants. The message and themes are great but I felt like I was reading two different books stitched together at some points.

  • An important story to read with the rise of anti-semitism & xenophobia especially in the US that unfortunately fell a little flat for me. (I like to use my reading as a form of escapism so reading stories about current events probably wasn’t the best idea on my part.)

Curves for Days by Laura Moher (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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  • I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

  • An adorable romcom with a sassy, plus-sized main character and a grumpy cinnamon roll of a love interest. (I know grumpy & cinnamon roll seems counterintuitive but it makes sense with regards to this character I promise) There’s a lot of discussion on the importance of consent & communication during intimacy that you don’t see often in romance novels which was very refreshing.

  • I didn’t love Angus’s reaction to finding out Rose’s secret which almost ruined the whole book for me (that’s what I get for reading a book with the miscommunication trope) but luckily he gets called out for his poor reaction instead of it getting swept under the rug because they’re ~*~in love~*~. 

  • Overall a fun, quick romance that would make a great beach read.

The Candid Life of Meena Dave by Namrata Patel (⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½)

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  • A cozy story about a trans-racial adoptee finding herself, her cultural identity, and a place to put down roots. Kind of slow and repetitive at times but still a fun read.

Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manansala; narrated by Danice Cabanela (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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  • A fun cozy mystery but nothing extraordinary. The writing felt all over the place at times and the main character did not have one ounce of common sense. If she did, 99% of her problems would have been avoided. The narrator did a fantastic job and I will probably still listen to the rest of the series.

The Fine Print by Lauren Asher (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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  • The Dreamland Billionaires series is one a Booktok’s favorite so when I saw the first one available on Kindle Unlimited I figured I’d give it a shot. I almost DNFed about 30% in because I just wasn’t getting it. So I put it down for a while, read a couple of other books, and then decided to give it one more shot and finished the rest of it in two days. It’s not great, but once I got through the beginning it was a lot more enjoyable.

Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli (⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½)

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  • I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

  • I wanted to love this book considering how much Imogen’s journey paralleled my own (we even have the same birthday oddly enough) but unfortunately the novel fell flat and didn’t grab my attention like I hoped it would. At one point, I looked at my reading progress expecting it to be at least 60% done but I was only about 30% done.

  • I felt like I was being beat over the head with the overall theme. Like, I get it, Imogen is straight but she’s having butterflies when around this new queer friend, oh but wait no she’s queerbaiting, or is she? It was so repetitive I honestly almost DNFed about 40% in.

  • I do believe there are some important points & conversations that occur throughout the book about who gets to decide who is welcome in queer spaces and how no one is owed an explanation for another person’s queer identity. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in the beginning of their queer journey who might be unsure of their feelings. I could see myself needing this book 10-15 years ago when I had no idea who I was.

Happy Place by Emily Henry (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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  • One of my most anticipated reads of the year and it did not let me down. Although I did expect it to be more romcom-y than angtsy, and boy was it JAM-PACKED with angst! My only complaint is that I will never be loved the way that Wyn loves Harriet.

And there it is. Another lovely month of reading with another lovely list of books. What did you read this May? Any of the same books?


ARC Review: That Summer Feeling by Bridget Morrissey


ARC Review: Once More With Feeling by Elissa Sussman