Bite Size Review: Not Your Valentine by Jackie Lau

**I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

Happy Release Day to Not Your Valentine which is the perfect holiday Rom-Com for people like me and the novel’s protagonist, Helen Tsang. We’re both bitter & single, and very anti-Valentine’s Day yet we’re holding on to that little bit of hope for romance.


It’s been almost a year since Helen’s public dumping on Valentine’s Day went viral. With the anniversary of the event coming up Helen is getting tired of her friends and family giving her pitying looks despite her insistence that she’s happy single. She comes up with the idea of a fake boyfriend and asks her friend from high school, Taylor Li.


What didn’t I love about this book? The fact that it wasn’t longer. With only 136 pages there’s not a lot of time to lollygag around. We jump right into Helen’s fake dating scheme with plenty of reverse grumpy x sunshine. We even get a speech from Taylor that is a bunch of things he loves about Helen and it had me, (ME! The person who actively avoids Valentine’s Day every year) giggling and swinging my feet it was so cute.

Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Romantic Adorableness: 💗💗💗💗

Spice: 🌶🌶 ½

Jackie Lau | Kobo Originals | Goodreads


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